Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Week #4- Daily #3- Write the script for a skit exploring the Persian Wars from the Persian point-of-view.

Persian Soldier

Setting: Persian War, first invasion: Battle of Marathon, 490 B.C.

Plot: Majeed has to leave his wife and go to battle for the Persians against the Greeks at Marathon. His leader Xenres saves his life.

Majeed- soldier for Persia
Asha- Majeed’s wife
Xenres- soldier/Majeed’s leader

Scene 1
Xenres: Majeed, I should inform you that you are being recruited to battle at Marathon. King Darius I enforces us to conquer all of Greece.
Majeed: I understand Xenres, but I will have to leave my wife, Asha. We want to have a big family.
Xenres: Your family can wait, Majeed. You need to serve Persia with your life.

Scene 2
 Majeed: I have to battle at Marathon. I will come back soon.
 Asha (crying): Goodbye, Majeed!

Scene 3
 Battle of Marathon
 Xenres: Majeed! Watch out for that Athenian behind you! (pushes Majeed and kills Athenian)
 Majeed: Oh my! Xenres, you saved my life! How can I ever repay you?
 Xenres: Just do your job, Majeed. Fight for the Persian Empire!

Narrator: Persia loses the battle, and Majeed can go home to his wife. The Persians had to go home after their defeat because they were short on supplies. The Battle of Marathon is the start of the Greeks winning the  Persian Wars.

1 comment:

  1. I like your script i think it is very dramatic. It feels realistic. I liked how you tied in the wife and family in your play.
