Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Exam Question 7

1.      The Black Death was a deadly plague in Europe. The Black Death started because there was a flea in rats that carried the disease. The spread meant death or disease to the people of Europe. This pandemic spread very quickly.
2.      Symptoms were buboes on a victim. They were in the groin, neck, and armpits. It oozed puss and bled when it was opened. People vomited blood and had a fever. People also had freckle-like spots and rashes.  There was not a lot that Medieval physicians could do since people died pretty soon after they got the disease. Physicians did not have a lot of knowledge about what was happening to people or what the cause of the disease was, so they would give their patients herbs because it relieved the stench of the dying people.
3.      Today, we are more educated than the people in medieval times, so Scientists would try to find a vaccine against it. If it was a very deadly disease, a lot of people would die or move out of a dangerous area. It would be very scary and we would all cry like babies.

Giovanni, Baccacio. (1996). Medieval sourcebook- boccaccio: the Decameron. Retrieved from

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